Rebekah + Angela

Rebekah and Angela are just about the cutest pair. They really didn't make me work too hard to get those perfect smiles and laughter. I am so excited for their wedding! They were so fun to photograph and really easy going, full of laughter!

I was so excited when my mentioning of Oakland Cemetery was Rebekah and Angela's choice! It is one of my favorite Atlanta locations for many things. A cemetery may seem off putting at first, but this isn't just your average cemetery, it's a historic landmark and it's truly a stunning location. Atlanta can hold it's challenges for photographing as there is usually some kind of event going on, but we managed to avoid a festival. That being said, Georgia weather likes to be unpredictable. It was overcast already that day, but the sun randomly peaked out here and there, and of course, towards the end, we got a little shower. I usually prep my clients to be ready for whatever the day gives us - including rain! They embraced it all, even had different outfits to fit the season and the weather! How did I get so lucky?!